Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Back With A Vengeance

So I feel like talking again. And I've got a lot that I need to rant about now. This might be a very long post so you might wanna get some popcorn and get comfortable or something.

I'll start with the most recent thing that is giving me stress: rent.

I live with my mom and we get reduced income. Or at least we used to. It was 280$ a month for a two bedroom apt. Now its 540$. My mom barely makes 700$ a month and its her income that we are mostly living off of. I want to pitch in, but I barely get 10 hrs a week and with this stupid class im taking, the days I can work are friday through monday. Between me and my mom, we are not making enough money at all to support ourselves. I hate this stupid rent system and the stupid apt we're living in. I wanna move out and get my own place already.

On to my next topic: sewing class

My class days are tuesday through thursday right now. I cant wait for this damn class to be over with already. they have wasted so much of our time and in our case, so much fucking gas and gas money. This class was a mistake. We learned more in three days in an industry rotation (similar to an internship) than we did in the whole 4 months of the class at dunwoody. This was the first course like this and they completely fucked it up. Everything was wrong about it, the teachers (except for a few) sucked mostly because they had never taught before and the last on that had taught, was the worst; the hours, 5pm to 9pm, they may have felt smart making the class in the evening but that meant everybody was driving in rush hour traffic, and most most of us wouldn't be getting home till 10pm when we have to get up very fucking early the next morning; the length, 2 to 3 days a week, pathetic, everything we 'learned' in the few days was forgotten by the time we came back the next week; the classmates, a few were okay, but there were the know it alls who hogged the machines, the whiners who wouldnt listen and would not stop complaining that they couldnt do what they were told, and the real students, who actually knew a little about sewing, maybe had a little experience, and really did want to learn, and then there was edward who was in a league of his own, that guy pissed everyone off with his condescending attitude towards everyone; the machines, pieces of shit! always breaking down and not working right and when they did, the people who already knew everything about sewing were always on them and working at them and just not letting anybody else get time on them! This class has pissed me off more than anything! Ugh enough about the class.

Third topic: staying with my gma carol during the week

Okay, I like being able to see my gma and whatnot but her driving, it scares the living shit outta me! Not kidding. She is a very dangerous driver. Thankfully I now have my license and she'll let me drive if I ask but when she drives, I plaster myself to  my seat trying just to avoid getting whiplash with her stop and go driving. It's slam on the gas, then slam the brakes and back and forth. Ohhh im so glad that next week I don't have to go through this again. Hopefully I'll have a car the next time I come down so I won't have to deal with that ever again.

Fourth topic: my sister/ family

Sometimes I'm amazed that I'm related to most of the people in my family. Especially the ones on my dads side. My sister is my half sister. We have different moms. And we are polar opposites. She was up in MN last week (lives in TX) staying with my gma because she was going through some court stuff with her mom over her son. egh. And here she is, staying with my gma, rent free and not paying for food, gas or anything like that, and just being a complete bitch to my gma. Yelling at her for stupid shit when she doesn't get her way, calling her a cunt and bitch to her face and behind her back, and just complaining like she doesn't do enough for her and yet here she is paying my sisters child support! My sister even wanted me to basically steal my gmas car and drive her to a party and to get liqour. I said no. Last time I drove her around (with gmas car when she wasnt here) she was getting crack and I was driving her all through mpls trying to find her dealer all night! When I say all night I mean from about 10pm till about 8am. I was not gonna fucking go through that again. Not to mention lie to my gma and basically steal from her. Quite a few times my sister made a comment that my gma liked me more than her. I didn't say anything but in my head I was thinking, 'yeah, because I'm not an irresponsible shit like you are.' I cannot believe how ungrateful and selfish she is. Pretty much exactly like her parents. Sigh.

Fifth topic: work at bk

Money. I need it bad. And I need to find a better fricken job now. The manager who hired me quit soon after I started working. From what I heard he didn't get along with the district manager. The manager who quit (we'll call him T) was the one who did the scheduling. He understood how to give people good hours. Burger King is in Clearwater and I live in Annandale. I was getting two hour shifts. That is not worth the gas money to drive back and forth between annadale and clearwater. So I told this to T. He understood that and gave me longer shifts. Then he quit. And the district manager (we'll call her N) started doing the scheduling. And she fucked everything up extremely bad. Last friday I wanted to go to my friends graduation ceremony. But the time I was scheduled to work was during it so I tried finding someone to cover my shift. Couldnt find anybody. Everybody was already fucking working.... And I'm not kidding about that. I skipped work. Seeing my friends walk (and seeing my bf for the first time in over a week) was way more important to me when they didnt even need me.   Okay, when I was hired I gave T a photocopy of a calender i have with my class days written on it. I couldnt work on class days. When T quit and N came around asking everybody about their hours I gave the same copy to her. And yet last week she scheduled me on a day I had class and when I called in thursday saying I couldnt work friday, I got bitched at for not being there that day. Not my fucking fault you guys fucking suck at management. Besides the scheduling and the shitty hours, working almost every day that I dont have class, I like working at bk. Except for one person who does nothing but piss me off, we shall call her A-hole. She used to be a manager, but got demoted, and yet she still acts like she's top fucking shit. All she does is stand around telling everyone what to do. Like last weekend, I was working front counter, and when you work front counter it is your job to make sure that lobby stays clean. So I was going around cleaning tables that people had left. A-hole comes up to me and tells me to mop the q area (where you walk in a line at the front counter) and I said sure. But I was not going to drop what I was doing and do what she wanted. I had a few more tables to do so I figured I'd do those first and then mop. I finished the tables and had started to mop when a few customers came in and I had to take their orders. That took awhile and A-hole took off with the mop I had left out. Then when they had left I heard her complaining to the manager(C) in the back about how I didn't do what she had asked. I was so fucking pissed off and ready to go bitch her out. And I wasn't the only one. I don't think anybody who works there likes her. We all just pity her and are nice to her face but bitch about her behind her back. Pathetic I know, but, if she tries telling me how to fucking clean again, I'm gonna bitch her out. I know how to fucking clean! I've worked with my dad who is pretty much mr fucking clean for 10 gawddamn years! I take it as an insult when anybody tries to tell me how to clean! Gaaaaggghhh!

Sixth topic: social/ love life

Sigh I wouldn't feel so stressed about everything if I could just hang out with my friends and see the love of my life more often. But to do that I need money, a car, and time. It's just a never ending circle. Waaahhhhh! At least me and my boyfriend have been getting closer lately. We had a huge fight about twoo weeks ago and we actually talked through it. Face to face. Not text. That felt good to be able to resolve our problem by actually talking to each other. I cried and he paced and it was great. It feels like every time we get through something like this, it brings us together. More and more I feel like this doesnt need to be an open relationship, but when he leaves in August for training for a few months and then when he actually ships out, I don't know if I'll feel the same way.

Oh I need some help.

Thanks for listening. Toodles