Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fashion show (april 5th)

Well today was an interesting day.

Had to get up early today and went to my gmas for an hour because we were going to go to a fashion show that my mom was going to be a guest in. The sewing class we're in is sponsored by a lot of companies. One of them is called WINGs and they support Minneapolis artists. Me and my gma were going to go but I guess only one of us could go so my gma said it should be me. We left a little late and got there a bit late. Good thing I've been standing so much at work because I had to walk 4 blocks twice and stand for 3 hrs in four inch heels... beauty is pain haha.

But it was definitely an experience going to a fashion show. Even though it wasn't like what you see on tv or anything. It was still cool. And not really my kind of thing. Although I'm definitely a city girl, to me fashion shows are a part of a different world that I don't belong in. Hell, I don't really belong in any world.

I've never really fit in any 'clique.' Everywhere I went I was bullied and teased by people who claimed to be my 'friends.' I'm not putting up with friends like that anymore. Not gonna put up with shitty 'friends' in general. I've reached my limit of how much of that I can take. If you're gonna treat me like shit, then don't expect to be hearing from me ever again. I had a really good girl friend once. Never had a best friend like that before and probably never will again. It was great how we were there for each other no matter what. Then she betrayed me in the worst ways. Stole my bf at the time. Stole my friends. Turned people against me. Revealed things I had told her in confidence. Even through all that I never did the same to her. Didn't really have a chance to either because the only friend I had was my mom and even she couldn't fully understand my position. That was a very difficult time for me...

Ah well, all in all the show was good and I was proud of my mum. Sayonara readers

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