Sunday, April 7, 2013

I needed a day like this (april 6th)

Last night my dad called me. He bitched me out for an hour about how I betrayed him because my mom had me sign an affidavit. He's going after her for all the custody money she apparently never paid. I'm so fucking sick of all this custody shit. I thought it was over when I turned 18 but apparently not. I hate my parents. I hate them for using me to get back at each other. I hate them for ALWAYS putting me in the middle. I hate them for doing what they thought was best for me but it was really just to serve their own agenda. And I hate them for ever having me. I wish I hadn't been born. I told my dad that after he had stopped ranting and I hung up on him after I said that. He has called me almost every since then wanting to know about my dogs digestive health and when he should give me the money he owes me. I hate him so much. He bitches about my mom poisoning me against him when its his own damn fault for the way he treats me and the way he talks to me. He already lost one daughter because he couldn't grow the fuck up, take responsibility for his actions, and learn how to be a FATHER, and he just lost another. I have cried and cut too much because of him and ill be damned if he gets the chance to do it again. Needless to say I cried for two hours and cut. I stopped cutting a few years ago but when shit gets this bad, nothing else helps to calm me down. I got up early today. A friend was going to take me to st cloud so I could run a few errands. Needed to go to the bank, get fabric, stop by target and stop by the electric fetus. Was just going to be me, him and my bf. (My bf and I had made plans to hang out afterwards and he was going to stay the night) I walked to the skool where I was meeting my friend (he's still in hs but graduating in a month) and I was in a horrible mood. When he informed me that two of our other friends were coming with I was a little disappointed. But eventually I was glad they came with. They were able to make me laugh and smile and brighten up my mood when I didn't feel like being happy. Things were a little tense at first between my bf and me but after an hour and a kiss from me they got better. Especially when we went to the mall and I tried on clothes with the girl friend who was with. HM. She the kind of girl who is sexy but doesn't feel comfortable in her own body. I really wanna help her over come that but she's so stubborn haha. I convinced her to try on a few dresses and cute clothes and of course she didn't like it, but I'm persistent to the point of annoyance. I will not stop until she discovers her femininity haha. We all had a good day. My friends dropped me and my bf off at my gmas. We went to the basement so I could sew but I didn't do much of that ;) we spent most of the time cuddling and wrestling, making out and dry humping heehee >_< we would've made love but ehem, I was bleeding (if you know what I mean lol) so we just made do with our clothes on. And it was incredibly sexy and fun haha. Never have I had an orgasm with a guy (or girl for that matter) before but I did with him. It wasn't a small one though. But it still counted haha. I'm pretty sure that boosted his ego xD after that we took my gmas van back to my moms, cuddled and watched the movie Couples Retreat, and unfortunately had to sleep apart. Damn my mother for being jealous and having dumb rules >xP Such an emotional roller coaster today. Sigh. Sayonara dear readers.

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