Sunday, March 3, 2013

Annoyed Annoyed Annoyed

Today was pretty much negative. Sigh. Went to sleep around 4am. Woke up about 10 which was way too early for me so I tried sleeping more. Didn't work so well cause I had a headache. Wasn't incredibly bad but it was annoying enough to keep me from getting more sleep. That and the fact that I had had another fight with my bf. He had kept something from me he really shouldn't have: wanting to kiss a girl I hated. SM. He said he only wanted to kiss her to prove to her that a kiss doesnt have to mean something and to prove that he didn't have feelings for her. WTF was my reaction. You don't fucking kiss a girl to 'prove' that you dont like her. What the hell makes him think this shit is ok?! I don't mind if he wants to kiss other girls since we are in an open relationship, but don't hide it from me and don't fucking let it be with a girl who I hate and who hates me back. Seriously! We fought about that most of the day.

I got up at 2pm to get up for work. I work at a Burger King. Not the best of jobs I know but at least it's money in my pocket. So I got a ride from my mom, got there at four and started out my fourth day. It's starting to get a little easier but I always feel like I don't know what to do and everybody is always so busy. At least I worked at 4 so it was pretty slow. So slow that they sent me home two hours early. I was supposed to work till 8. I really don't want to work, mostly because customer service makes me nervous, but I wanted to work more and get used to it and know what I'm doing so I don't stand around looking stupid. I don't have my own car at the moment so I have to rely on my mom and gma for rides mostly. At least I have my license now haha. But when they let me off early I had to call my mom to come pick me up. Called her cell a few times, no answer. So I called my gma to see if she could get me. My mom was there. Asked her why she didn't pick up her cell, she had left it in the car... -.- I was annoyed. She does that all the time where I need to get ahold of her but she never has her phone near. Luckily I did get ahold of her and didn't have to sit at BK for two hours doing nothing.

Then she brought me back to my gmas. I have to work tomorrow at 11am and I'm going to borrow her van to go to work so I figured I'd stay te night instead of getting up an hour earlier than I have to and being super tired cause I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. Then she and my gma got talking about the weather tomorrow. I was planning on switching the couch me and my mom have for my gmas futon, for when my bf stays the night. And also switching out my dressers because I need drawers and the one I have at the moment only has two tiny drawers. So when they started talking about the weather they decided it wasn't a good day for me to do the moving. Which meant I had to text my guy friends who were going to help me move and tell them the plan was off until further notice. I told my gma that we weren't getting the snow storm she thought we were getting and a few hours later she told me I could move the shit. -.- Im PMSing (don't care if that's TMI) and it really pissed me off. I don't like having to cancel plans and then re-plan them. But I suppose that was good news seeing as how that meant I would get to see my bf even though we're still kinda fighting.

I've been watching this show with my gma. It's about a guy who finds these couples who are getting married and are going to have a less than mediocre wedding and completely changes things to a dream come true for them. My Fair Wedding with David Tuterra. I'm the kind of person who cries a lot haha. And this show is so beautiful that it makes me tear up quite a bit. It also makes me think about me and my bf and our future. I know I'm going to marry him one day. No if's and's or but's. We will be together until we die. And I wouldn't have it any other way. Eventually he will be all I ever need but at this point in our lives and the paths we are taking, an open relationship is what's best. I hope that when we do get married it can be a small but very beautiful wedding. Better start saving up huh? Haha.

Well I suppose that's all for now folks :P gotta catch some z's if I want tomorrow to be good.

Good night and Good luck

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