Saturday, March 16, 2013

Semi disappointing day

Today my gma had me watch her dog while she spent the day in mpls. She was gone for most of the day. I was gonna have my bf come over so we could have some time alone but he didn't. Had to stay home and do his slave work. Yes, slave work. That's what I call it. He does everything. My mom says its just chores and there's nothing wrong with that. But its more than just chores. I don't think he'd like me getting too personal about his home life so ill just say that he lives with two women that make him do everything they 'cant' do. Apparently they're basically disabled. If you were disabled would you have 30 dogs and a million cats? Just taking care of one or 3 is a lot of work. Imagine how much work it is with about 40 animals. And on top of that, house work, and marine workouts. And he gets pissy at me when I worry about his well being and how much sleep he doesn't get. I wanna make it easier for him but he's pretty much trapped there =/ sigh

I spent most of the day sitting upstairs watching supernatural while I worked on my quilting stuff. That is a good show but not one I should be watching in an old house when I'm by myself haha. Thankfully though my gma got home before dark and I went in the basement to work on more quilting stuff and watched LOTR. I know every word to all the extended editions of those movies. I'm not crazy or obsessed. I just love it that much. I'm trying to get around to reading the books but I have the all in one version and that thing is fricken huge! I love everything Tolkein wrote.  Its really too bad Peter Jackson can't make movies of all his books. Everything about the movies and the books is amazing. Just watch the special features of the movies :) and yeah, I've watched all those too. Took quite a few days. Don't worry, only watched them once haha.

On a better note my mom got me some breast cancer awareness fabric. I'm making a quilt for my aunt. She had breast cancer but she beat it whoo! And a few weeks ago I was going through some of my boxes (where most of my stuff is) and found some unused fabric. Some of it was for breast cancer awareness. I figured id make a quilt for her with it but I needed more than a few squares of it haha. Today I finished sewing and ironing some other fabric for her quilt and cut the fabric my mom got me. So tomorrow when I go back over to my gmas I can start sewing the whole thing together.   Sigh I have so many quilts to make. Good thing its become my new obsession haha.

Well that's its for today. Maybe tomorrow will be a little better.

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