Tuesday, March 5, 2013

A good day (march 5th)

Another good day. It was one of those days where you dont really do much except sit around your place, but who you're with makes all the difference. My mom was gonna leave by 5 in the morning for work so when my bf came into my room this morning i thought she had left and id be able to cuddle with him for awhile, but when he told me instead that skool was closed and my mom was still there, i was so happy that i got more time with him. Of course my mom had to leave first and she didnt leave till 8am grrr. But me and him laid on the futon talking for awhile until she left and then we tried to sleep for awhile. Didnt sleep well though. Him cause he doesnt sleep well in new places (Im the same way) and me because it was the futon and not my bed. Even so we were together. We got up a little after noon and i took a shower while he made some bacon. Burnt the oil in the pan so it was really smoky in the apartment. And we were able to finish what we had started the night before, before my mom came out of her room of course haha. And i cant really say we 'finished' but we did go a lot further than we ever have before so it was a bit intense, but in a good way.

Then my mom came home and we had to go to class. If it wasnt the first day of a new class i wouldve stayed home to spend more time with my bf. But i had to go and leave him at the apartment all alone with only my two kitties and puppy to keep him company. I know he'll take good care of them while im gone haha.

Going down to skool i fell asleep in the car. I was so tired. And even in class i was fighting to stay awake. I couldnt focus too much on the class itself, it was about ergonomics which is basically common sense type shit, so i played a bejewled game on my phone while listening to the instructor talk. And listening to my mom and our kind of friend edward talk. Oh edward. He acts like a little kid on crack or something haha. He talks so fast i can barely understand what he's saying and he goes off on really random shit. Nice guy and all, but way too energetic haha.

Well I'm super tired so that'll be all for tonight.

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