Sunday, March 10, 2013

"The End"

She sits on the floor
Her hands on the sink
She can hear the faucet running
And her blood pulsing

She looks up
Looks at the red running down her arm
She can feel it
And still she fears it

The end is a scary thing to her
The open phone proves that
Proves that she was blind
She couldn't see what was happening before her very eyes

But she did sense it
She had a feeling
A feeling where she knew this would happen
She tried her best to deny it

Now as the red pools around
She wonders if he planned this
If he knew he would kill her
Though it was her hand that cut her wrist

This was the first poem I wrote. I didn't really have any inspiration for it I just felt the words needed to come out and I wrote them down and this was the product. Its mostly like that with the majority of my poems. They're all free verse but there are a few that rhyme a teeny bit.

So that's it for now!

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