Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Lord of The Rings

Anybody who knows me, knows how much I love the Lord of The Rings trilogy. I own all the extended versions and I know every line to every movie. Imagine how many times I've had to watch to know that haha. I haven't watched all the special features (except for the first films) and I haven't watched them with all the commentaries yet. But I will get around to it! Eventually. I also own the all-in-one edition of the books but I haven't quite gotten around to reading that yet. I don't really know why. Probably because I hate when the story ends. Every time I watch The Return of The King I always cry through the last hour or so... yes I get that emotional over them. The first set I had I unfortunately lent them to my ex (who was my bf at the time) and he never gave them back. Not even a fuckin year later. He would always say he was going to mail them to me but of course he never did. And a week ago my dad bought the blu-ray versions of the film so he gave his dvd set because he knows how much I love the movies. I just finished watching them for the first time in over a year. They are still amazing. The world Tolkein imagined is so incredibly beautiful. Even being a city girl I would give up everything just to live there. I remember watching the movies a few years ago and wishing to have been a part of it... if only id known they were making The Hobbit!! Oi. Sigh I can still dream though. Ill just have to make do with being a huge fan and seeing The Hobbit movies as many times in theater as possible :) and ill wait for those to come out as extended versions to watch those a million times too. Everything about the movies, the looks, the features, the story, the actors, is absolutely perfect.

Oh I could go on and on about how much I love them but I suppose I should get some sleep. Good night all! And may you find your own hope and courage :)

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