Monday, March 18, 2013

Curiosity of a fuckin cat (march 17th)

I swear I must have been a cat in a past life or something. I have the unlucky curiosity of one. Hung out with my bf again today. Didn't exactly start out well with the ride over to my gmas from his house about 1 in the afternoon. I was trying to goofishly hold his hand and all he did was hurt my hands. He was in some sort of bad mood to begin with it seemed. We got to my gmas and I took a shower and while I was he fell asleep. So I let him sleep for an hour downstairs before he came upstairs where I was watching Supernatural on netflix. I gave him the cold shoulder for about another hour or so. Then when we were watching tv my dad called me. So I went downstairs to talk to him where it was quiet. Mike had left his phone out again... my curiosity got the better of me and I looked at his phone... he told me had stopped talking to the girls I had a problem with. Looking through his messages it seems he stopped talking to one (SM) and another (SD) he had not only NOT stopped talking to her, he was making plans to hang out with her...   I must have huge blinking signs that shout 'LIE TO ME' or something cause I can't think of any other reason why he would continue to lie to me. Fuck if he leaves his phone out again and has messages like that on there I'm gonna bring it up. He can't keep doing this to me. I'm so fucking sick of it. Why do I let him do these things to me? Is it because I love him that much? Sigh

The rest of the night went ok I guess. We made love and I cooked for us then took him home late after my gma got home. I also gave him a bloody nose and bloody lip, on accident of course. Sigh

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